SQL Server Constraints with Example

This article describes SQL server constraints like Primary key, not null, Unique, Check, Default, and foreign key with examples. It also gives syntax to add or drop constraints from the table.

Constraints in SQL Server are some predefined set of rules that must be followed to maintain the correctness of the data. A constraint can be created while creating a table, or it can be added later on with the Alter table command. If the constraint is added after the creation of the table it first checks the existing data.

The constraints which can be applied to the table are.

  • Primary Key Constraint
  • Not Null Constraint
  • Unique Constraint
  • Check Constraint
  • Default Constraint
  • Foreign Key Constraint

  1. Primary key Constraint:

    A Primary key constraint is applied for uniquely identifying rows in a table. It cannot contain Null values and the rest of the table data should be unique. While creating a table if we do not specify a name to the constraint, SQL server automatically assigns a name to the constraint.

    Below is an example to create a Primary Key Constraint. Column EmpID of table EmployeeDetails is specified as Primary Key. Hence EmpID cannot have duplicate and null values.

    Create table EmployeeDetails
    EmpID int PRIMARY Key ,
    EmpFirstName varchar(80),
    EmpLastName varchar(80),
    Department varchar(30),
    DepartID int

    To view, the constraints on the table use the below given query, here we have not given the name to the constraint so a name has been specified by SQL server.

        TABLE_SCHEMA ,
    WHERE TABLE_NAME='EmployeeDetails'

    sql server primary key

    If we want to provide a user defined name to primary key, below given query can be used.

    Create table EmployeeDetails 
    EmpID int Constraint empids_PK PRIMARY Key ,
    EmpFirstName varchar(80),
    EmpLastName varchar(80),
    Department varchar(30),
    DepartID int

    The primary key is called a Composite Primary key when applied to more than one column.

  2. Not Null Constraint

    A Not Null constraint ensures that the column in the table cannot have Null values, however, it may have duplicate values. The below given query shows the working of Not Null constraint applied on the DepartID column of the EmployeeDetails table.

    CREATE TABLE EmployeeDetails 
    EmpID INT,
    EmpFirstName VARCHAR(80),
    EmpLastName VARCHAR(80),
    Department VARCHAR(30),
    DepartID INT NOT Null

    Now while inserting the records into the table when we try to put NULL values into the Not NULL specified column it shows an error.

    INSERT INTO EmployeeDetails

    SQL Not Null constraint

  3. Unique Constraint

    Unique Constraint is used to enforce the uniqueness of non Primary key columns. A unique constraint is similar to the Primary key except that it can have null values unless specified not null.

    Below is the example for Unique Constraint applied on the EmpID column of the EmployeeDetails table.

    Create table EmployeeDetails 
        EmpID int unique ,
        EmpFirstName varchar(80),
        EmpLastName varchar(80),
        Department varchar(30),
        DepartID int NOT Null

    By applying the below query the Constraint type can be identified.

        TABLE_SCHEMA ,
    WHERE TABLE_NAME='EmployeeDetails'

    SQL Unique constraint

  4. Check Constraint

    A Check Constraint enforces a restriction on the column for the value to be inserted.

  5. Default Constraint

    A Default Constraint is used to assign a constant value to a column, and the user needs not to insert value for such a column.

    Below is create table query in which column TotalMarks is set as Default to 500 and MarksObtained column check the data to be more than 250.

    CREATE TABLE StudentPassMarks 
    StudName VARCHAR(80),
    TotalMarks INT default 500,
    MarksObtained INT CHECK (marksobtained > 250)

    Hereafter applying the constraints when we try to insert the data, the first row gets inserted because MarksObtained is greater than 250. Whereas the second insert command gets failed as MarksObtained are less than 250. As the total marks column is specified as default we need not put the data while using the insert command.

    INSERT INTO StudentPassMarks (StudName,MarksObtained)
    ('Branda Paul',429)
    INSERT INTO StudentPassMarks (StudName,MarksObtained)
    ('Branda Paul',200)

    SQL Server default constraint

  6. Foreign Key Constraint

    A Foreign Key Constraint is used to establish a relationship between two tables where one column is a Primary Key of the table and the other column from another table is referenced to the Primary Key column. A Foreign Key column can also have reference to the Unique Key column of another table.

    Below are two tables EmployeeDetails and EmpSalary. EmpID of EmployeeDetails table's Primary Key column and EmpID column of EmpSalary table is Foreign Key which references the EmpID column of EmployeeDetails table.

    CREATE TABLE EmployeeDetails 
        EmpID INT PRIMARY Key ,
        EmpFirstName VARCHAR(80),
        EmpLastName VARCHAR(80),
        Department VARCHAR(30),
        DepartID INT
    CREATE TABLE EmpSalary 
        EmpID INT Foreign Key References EmployeeDetails(EmpID) ,
        EmpFullName VARCHAR(80),
        Empsalary INT,
        DepartID INT

                    SELECT * FROM EmployeeDetails

    SQL foriegn key reference

                    Select * from EmpSalary

    SQL foriegn key reference to other table

    Now if we try to insert another row into EmpSalary table it will raise an error. For more details exception handling see sql exception handling using try catch block.

    INSERT INTO EmpSalary
    (1005,'Petro bond',28000,2)

    SQL exception for foreign key

    Cascading constraints can be used while applying Foreign key Constraint


Syntax for adding a constraint

        Alter table <TableName>
        Add Constraint <ConstraintName> <ConstraintType>

Dropping a constraint

        Alter table <TableName>
        Drop constraint <ConstraintName>

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