Types of SQL Server Joins With Examples

This article describes the types of SQL server joins like Inner, Outer, Cross, Equi, Self Joins with examples. You can retrieve data from more than one table together as a part of a single result set.

Types of Joins

  1. Inner Join
  2. Outer Join
    • Left outer Join
    • Right outer Join
    • Full outer Join
  3. Cross Join
  4. Equi Join
  5. Self Join

To understand examples of SQL joins we will create sample tables and insert some values to it.

Open your SQL server and execute below SQL statements to create EmployeeDetails and EmpSalary sample tables.

CREATE TABLE EmployeeDetails (
  EmpId int PRIMARY KEY,
  EmpFirstName varchar(50),
  EmpLastName varchar(50),
  Department varchar(50),
  DepartID int

  EmpID int,
  EmpFullName varchar(80),
  EmpSalary int,
  EmpWorkingYears int

Execute below SQL to insert sample data to EmployeeDetails table

    INSERT INTO EmployeeDetails
      VALUES (1001, 'Bhavana', 'Sharma', 'IT', 2)
    INSERT INTO EmployeeDetails
      VALUES (1002, 'Varun', 'Sharma', 'IT', 2)
    INSERT INTO EmployeeDetails
      VALUES (1003, 'Jaspreet', 'Kaur', 'Accounts', 3)
    INSERT INTO EmployeeDetails
      VALUES (1004, 'Shruti', 'Kalia', 'HR', 1)
    INSERT INTO EmployeeDetails
      VALUES (1005, 'Shaili', 'Verghese', 'IT', 2)
    INSERT INTO EmployeeDetails
      VALUES (1006, 'Rakesh', 'Dubey', 'Accounts', 3)


    INSERT INTO EmpSalary
        VALUES (1001, 'Bhavana Sharma', 35000, 3)
    INSERT INTO EmpSalary
      VALUES (1002, 'Varun Sharma', 25000, 2)
    INSERT INTO EmpSalary
      VALUES (1003, 'Jaspreet Kaur', 20000, 2)
    INSERT INTO EmpSalary
      VALUES (1004, 'Shruti Kalia', 18000, 1)
    INSERT INTO EmpSalary
      VALUES (1005, 'Shaili Verghese', 25000, 2)
    INSERT INTO EmpSalary (EmpFullName, EmpSalary, EmpWorkingYears)
      VALUES ('Ramesh Kumar', 6000, 1)

If you make a select query on those tables you will get all rows from one table.

         SELECT  * FROM EmployeeDetails

SQL Server Join example

         SELECT  * FROM EmpSalary        

SQL Server Select


    The inner join returns the record from multiple tables by applying a comparison operator on a common column. Only rows with values satisfying the join conditions are displayed as resultset. You can use joins with an output of table valued user defined functions.

    Syntax of INNER JOIN

                SELECT Column1, [ column2]
                From Table_name1 INNER JOIN Table_name2
                On Table_name1.column =Table_name2.column

    With the example of EmployeeDetails and EmpSalary, if you make a join on the EmpID column, you will get rows where EMPID exists in both tables.

    The below query shows how to use INNER JOIN to get matching rows from EmployeeDetails and EmpSalary.

        FROM EmployeeDetails
        JOIN EmpSalary
            ON EmployeeDetails.EmpId = EmpSalary.EmpID

    It returns the below output

    SQL Server INNER JOIN example

    You can also get some variation in result using SQL Server Cross Apply and Outer apply.


    An Outer Join returns a record containing all the rows from one table and the matching rows from the other.

    Syntax for Outer Join

        SELECT Column1, [Column2]
        FROM Table_name1 [LEFT | RIGHT | FULL] OUTER JOIN Table_name2
        ON Table_name1.column = Table_name2.column

      The Left Outer Join returns all the rows from the table specified on the LEFT and the matching rows from the table specified on the RIGHT side of the LEFT OUTER JOIN keyword. NULL values are displayed in the columns of the right side table where matching rows are not found with the left side table.

      Example: The below given query returns all the rows from the left table (EmployeeDetails) and the matching data from the right table (EmpSalary), where the data does not match the NULL value is displayed.

          FROM EmployeeDetails e
          LEFT OUTER JOIN EmpSalary s
              ON e.EmpId = s.EmpID

      It returns below output

      sql left outer join example


      The Right Outer Join returns all the rows from the table specified on the RIGHT and the matching rows from the table specified on the LEFT side of the RIGHT OUTER JOIN keyword.

      NULL values are displayed in the columns of the left side table where matching rows are not found with the right side table.

      Example: The below given query returns all the rows from the right table (EmpSalary) and the matching data from the left table (EmployeeDetails), where the data does not match NULL values are displayed.

          FROM EmployeeDetails e
          RIGHT OUTER JOIN EmpSalary s
              ON e.EmpId = s.EmpID

      It returns below output.

      sql server outer join example


      A Full Outer Join is a combination of the left and right outer join. This join returns all the matching and non-matching values from both the tables. However, in the case of non-matching values a NULL value is displayed.

      Example Here in this case all the data from both the tables are displayed, however, non-matching values are displayed as NULL

          FROM EmployeeDetails e
          FULL OUTER JOIN EmpSalary s
            ON e.EmpId = s.EmpID

      It returns below output

      sql full outer join example


    The Cross Join can also be called as a Cartesian Product of the two tables. The result would be the number of rows in the first table multiplied by the number of rows in the second table.

    If you have 4 rows in first the table and 3 rows in the second table, you will get 12 rows when you have cross join on both tables.

    Syntax: SELECT Column1, [column2] FROM Table_name1 CROSS JOIN Table_name2

    Example: The below example table Computer has computer details and the table Addon have other device details. If we want to know the cost of a computer with all the addons, Cross join can be used for the results.

      CREATE TABLE Computer (
          CompID int,
          computerDes varchar(100),
          Price int
      INSERT INTO computer
        VALUES (1, 'Pentium 4,1GB RAM', 25000)
      INSERT INTO computer
        VALUES (2, 'Dual Core,2GB RAM', 35000) 

    Addon Table

       CREATE TABLE Addon (
          ID INT,
          Description VARCHAR(100),
          Price INT
       INSERT INTO Addon
          VALUES (1, 'Speakers', 5000)
       INSERT INTO Addon
          VALUES (2, 'printer', 15000)

    You will use CROSS JOIN which to get computer and additional product price.

        computer.Price + Addon.price AS totalprice
      FROM Computer
        CROSS JOIN Addon

    Output of CROSS JOIN

    SQL Server CROSS JOIN example


    An Equi Join is the same as an inner join, it joins the tables with the help of a foreign key. However an equi join differs from inner join in only one way, an equi join display all the column from both the tables.


      SELECT *
        FROM EmployeeDetails JOIN EmpSalary
        ON EmployeeDetails.EmpId = EmpSalary.EmpID

    Output of Equi Join

    sql server equi join example


    In a self join a table is joined with itself. In this join, one row in a table correlates with other rows in the same table. It is important to give different alias names to the tables as the same table is going to be used twice.


        SELECT a.Column1, [b.column2]
        FROM Table_name1 a JOIN Table_name1 b
        WHERE a.column =b.column

    Example Considering EmpDetails table below, we can apply self join on EmpID and ManagerID

    Below is select all output of EmployeeDetails table

    sql server select all rows

    The below query makes self join to get manager details saved in same table.

        SELECT a.EmpId, a.EmpFirstName AS ManagerName,
        b.EmpId AS ManagerID,b.EmpFirstName AS EmployeeName
        FROM EmployeeDetails a , EmployeeDetails b
        WHERE a.EmpId = b.ManagerID

    Below is the output of SELF JOIN

    sql server self join example

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  • geeksarray user
    11/20/2015 04:09 AM daisyeden

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  • geeksarray user
    01/12/2021 11:40 PM GeeksArray

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