Blogs and Tutorials for EF Core

EF Core Code First Migrations With DataAnnotations Attributes
In this blog post you will use DataAnnotations to configure pre-defined rules and constraints for tables which will be created through EF Core Code First.

Entity Framework Core Code First Migration Using Separate Assembly
This blogpost explains how to achieve Entity Framework code first migrations having Models, DBContext, and Model Snapshot files in assembly different than web or startup projects

Entity Framework Core Database First Tutorial
This tutorial helps to create and update models from an existing database using Entity Framework Core. It explains about Scaffold-DbContext with its parameters like Connection, Provider, OutputDir, Force, Schemas, Tables, DataAnnotations.

How to Configure Entity Relationships using Fluent Api in Entity Framework Core
This blogpost explains how you can configure One-To-One, One-to-Many, Many-To-Many entity relationships using Fluent API in Entity Framework Core.

Using Fluent API in Entity Framework Core Code First
In this blogpost explains how to configure entities using Fluent API of Entity Framework Core or EF6 above versions for the Code First approach.

Implement Repository Pattern with ASP.NET Core Web API
This blog explains how to implement a Repository Pattern with ASP.NET Web API, AutoMapper, Entity Framework, and async operations.

Getting Started with ASP.NET Core Web API and Entity Framework
Get started with ASP.NET Core Web API and Entity Framework by building a basic API to get data from SQL Server. And features like CORS Policy, and Logging.

jQuery AJAX AutoComplete in ASP.NET MVC Core
This tutorial explains how to use the jQuery AJAX AutoComplete feature in your ASP.NET MVC Core application. For this, you will use Visual Studio 2019, NET5, EF Core, Web API controller, and AdventureWorks database of SQL Server.

ASP.NET Core MVC Model Binding
This article explains what is model binding in ASP.NET Core MVC and how to use its different attributes while binding the model.

How To Use AutoMapper in ASP.NET Core Web API
This blog explains how to use AutoMapper in ASP.NET Core Web API project, the configuration of AutoMapper, mapping domain, and DTOs, and custom property mapping.