Blogs and Tutorials for ASP.NET MVC

ASP.NET Core Application and Kestrel Web Server Settings
This blog post will help you to understand what is Kestrel web Server, how it is related to ASP.NET Core applications, Why Kestrel, Comparison of Kestrel Web Server Vs IIS and https requests with kestrel server.

CRUD Operations using ASP.NET Web API Core
This tutorial gives you step by step implementation of creating CRUD operations using ASP.NET Web API Core.

Testing ASP.NET Web API using Postman
This tutorial describes how to test GET, POST, PUT, Delete http methods created by ASP.NET Web API. You can test the API using Fiddler or SOAP UI or Postman. For this tutorial we will use Postman.

EF Core Code First Migrations With DataAnnotations Attributes
In this blog post you will use DataAnnotations to configure pre-defined rules and constraints for tables which will be created through EF Core Code First.

Entity Framework Core Code First Migration Using Separate Assembly
This blogpost explains how to achieve Entity Framework code first migrations having Models, DBContext, and Model Snapshot files in assembly different than web or startup projects

Entity Framework Core Database First Tutorial
This tutorial helps to create and update models from an existing database using Entity Framework Core. It explains about Scaffold-DbContext with its parameters like Connection, Provider, OutputDir, Force, Schemas, Tables, DataAnnotations.

How to Configure Entity Relationships using Fluent Api in Entity Framework Core
This blogpost explains how you can configure One-To-One, One-to-Many, Many-To-Many entity relationships using Fluent API in Entity Framework Core.

Using Fluent API in Entity Framework Core Code First
In this blogpost explains how to configure entities using Fluent API of Entity Framework Core or EF6 above versions for the Code First approach.

Access SQL server database from .NET Core Console Application
This blogpost explains how to connect .NET Core Console application to SQL server database and read table data. You will not be using the Entity framework for this. You will inject the dependency of IConfiguration to read appsettings

Convert Datatable to CSV OR List OR JSON string using .NET Core
Using this tutorial you will create a DataTable and convert it's data to CSV file or List object or JSON string.

Reading appsettings.json in .Net Core Class Library Using Dependency Injection
This blog post explains in .net core class library application how to read configuration settings from the web application appsettings.json file by injecting dependency of IConfiguration interface

DataTable Comparison Using LINQ Except, Intersect and Union
This article describes you how to compare DataTables to get matched, unmatched, combine list of all rows in both tables.

IIS settings to improve ASP.NET Website Performance
This article helps you to understand required IIS settings to improve ASP.NET Website Performance.

ASP.NET MVC Application Request life cycle
This article describes about ASP.NET MVC request life cycle, it explains how request

Explain ASP.Net MVC Routing With Example
This article describes how ASP.NET MVC routing works, Custom Routes, attribute routing, route constraints, Area Routing

How To Validate MVC Model Using DataAnnotation Attribute
This tutorial helps you to understand how you can use DataAnnotation attributes for validation of model data.

jQuery UI DatePicker Examples in MVC
jQuery UI DatePicker plugin allows you to select date easily. You can customize the format, language of date to be displayed, restrict the selection of dates, show buttons or navigation to navigate to different month or year.

How To Do Custom Validation Using ValidationAttribute of ASP.NET MVC
This article shows how you can use ValidationAttribute class for custom validation based on your requirement.

How To Bind DropDownList in ASP.NET MVC
This article describes about how you can bind your mvc DropDownList in different ways.

Cascading DropDownList Example Using JSONResult in ASP.NET MVC
This article shows you how to add values of JSONResult to cascading DropDownList. For this I will be using jQuery.Ajax request which will call Controller action method which return JSON object.

How to read JSON file data using AngularJS HTTP Get method
In this blog I am going to show you how you can read JSON content from file and display in ASP.NET MVC view

jQuery Ajax Call With JSONResult in ASP.NET MVC
This article gives you details about how you can implement jQuery AJAX calls to ASP.NET MVC controller and display JSONResult on view.

How To Use Partial View in MVC with Example
This article explains how you can use a partial View in your MVC application. It describes different methods to render partail view in MVC with example.

Render ASP.NET MVC PartialView with Model
This article explains how you can render a partial view in the main view with model data.

Populate MVC Listbox using jQuery getJSON and JSONResult
This article shows how you can populate MVC Listbox using jQuery and JSONResult. It uses static values and also shows with model values which can use database values.

WebGrid Example In ASP.NET MVC
This blog shows how to use Webgrid in ASP.NET MVC. It displays model data in WebGrid in PartialView on selection change of Listbox value.

Getting Started with ASP.NET MVC Core and .NET 5
In this article, we are going to create a simple ASP.NET MVC Core Web Application using Visual Studio 2019 and .Net 5. We will also add controller, action method, MVC view with Model binding.

jQuery AJAX AutoComplete in ASP.NET MVC Core
This tutorial explains how to use the jQuery AJAX AutoComplete feature in your ASP.NET MVC Core application. For this, you will use Visual Studio 2019, NET5, EF Core, Web API controller, and AdventureWorks database of SQL Server.

ASP.NET Core MVC Model Binding
This article explains what is model binding in ASP.NET Core MVC and how to use its different attributes while binding the model.

ASP.NET MVC Core Controller Action Method and Types of Action Result
This blog explains what is MVC Controller, Action Method, and different types of ActionResult like HTML returning, Content, Redirect, File, Status Code, Security related.

How To Redirect ASP.NET MVC Core Request
In ASP.NET MVC Core request redirection RedirectResult, RedirectToActionResult, RedirectToRouteResult, LocalRedirectResult can be used for redirection.

ASP.NET Core MVC returning file using Fileresult
This blog explains how you can return files to client from ASP.NET Core application using fileresult actionresults like FileContentResult, FileStreamResult, VirtualFileResult, PhysicalFileResult.

Return different types of content from ASP.NET Core MVC Action Result
ASP.NET Core MVC action result returns different types of content it can be HTML, JSON, string, or empty content. We will explore ViewResult, PartialViewResult, JsonResult, ContentResult, EmptyResult.

How to use Areas in ASP.NET Core MVC
This blog explains how to create Area in ASP.NET Core MVC application, configure the default area route, link controller action methods from different areas.

How to use ASP.NET Core MVC built-in Filters
ASP.NET Core MVC uses number of built-in filters like Authorization, Resource, Action, Exception, and Result filters.

How to Implement Dependency Injection in .NET Core
.NET Core provides built-in support of dependency injection. This blog will help you to understand how and why to implement dependency injection in .Net Core.

.NET Core Dependency Injection Object Lifetime
In .NET Core, you can register dependencies using three different methods AddSingleton, AddTransient, and AddScoped. This blog explains each of these methods.

How to Setup CORS Policies in ASP.NET Core Web API
This blog explains how to set up CORS policies using default policy, add policy, middleware, endpoint routing, and EnableCors attribute.

Generate Log using Serilog And Seq In ASP.NET Core MVC 6
This blog explains how to generate log using Serilog, its feature like Sink, log level, JSONFormatter, Serilog Enricher, Output Templates and analyze using Seq.